C Programming Training for Students
C Programming Training – C is the most popular language worldwide. Everything from micro-controllers to operating systems is written in C.

Programming Using C Language
- Introduction to C
- C input output
- C Variable
- C Data types
- C Operators
- C Control Statement
- C if-else
- C switch
- C For Loop
- C While Loop
- C Do-While Loop
- C Break Statement
- C Continue Statement
- C Goto Statement
- C Functions
- Call by value & reference
- C Recursion
- C Arrays
- C Arrays (1-D,2-D)
- C Pointers
- C Dynamic Memory Allocation
- malloc()
- calloc()
- free()
- realloc()
- C Strings
- C gets() & puts()
- C String Functions
- C User Defined Data Types
- Structure
- Union
- C File Handling
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