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Python Programming Course


Python Programming for Beginners

Python Programming Course – Python programming language is currently the most popular language for Data Scientists worldwide. Python language is incredibly easy to use and learn for beginners and newcomers.

Python Programming Course
  1. Python’s Popularity & High Salary
  2. Python Is Used In Data Science
  3. Python’s Scripting & Automation
  4. Python Used With Big Data
  5. Python Supports Testing
  6. Computer Graphics In Python
  1. Python Used In Artificial Intelligence
  2. Python In Web Development
  3. Python Is Portable & Extensible
  4. Python Is Simple & Easy To Learn
  5. Free & Open Source
  6. Blessed With Large Community
  1. Python Developer
  2. Data Analyst
  3. Data Journalist
  4. Product Manager
  5. Machine Learning Engineer
  1. Educator
  2. Financial Advisor
  3. Quality Assurance Engineer
  4. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Analyst
  5. Business Analyst
  1. Google
  2. Facebook
  3. Instagram
  4. Spotify
  5. Quora
  1. Netflix
  2. Dropbox
  3. Reddit
  4. Amazon
  5. Uber
  1. Install Python and Environment Setup
  2. Introduction to python IDE
  3. Python Syntax
  4. Python Strings
  5. Python Input-Output
  6. Python List, tuples, Dictionaries
  7. Python Loops
  1. Python Functions
  2. Python Modules
  3. Python Lambda
  4. Python Exception Handling
  5. Python OOP (Object-oriented programming)
  6. Regular expressions
  7. Multithreading
  1. Freshers
  2. BE/ Bsc Candidate
  3. Any Engineers
  1. Any Graduate
  2. Any Post-Graduate
  3. Working Professionals
  1. Data Science Using Python
  2. Web Development Using Python
  1. Machine Learning Training
  2. Artificial Intelligence Training

  1. Introduction to Data Science
  2. Introduction to Numpy
  3. Introduction to SciPy
  4. Introduction to Pandas
  5. Cleaning Data Using Pandas
  1. Introduction to Data Visualization using matplotlib
  2. Plotting using matplotlib and Pandas
  3. Introduction to Machine Learning using Scikit–Learn
  4. Introduction to Natural Language Processing using  NLTK

  1. Introduction to HTML
  2. HTML Editors
  3. A Simple HTML Document
  4. HTML Tables
  5. HTML Forms
  1. Introduction to web application framework
  2. Routing
  3. Dynamic URL
  4. HTTP methods
  5. Templates
  6. Request & Response
  7. Redirect & Errors
  1. Introduction to MySQL
  2. MySQL Database
  3. MySQL Create Table
  4. SQL constraints
  5. SQL Queries
  1. Python Database Connectivity
  2. ORM (Object Relation Mapping)
  3. ORM Session object
  4. Models and DB Operations

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